Hello 👋, 

I'm Hong Y, a Product Designer based in Melbourne, with a specialisation in helping large organisations refine their visual style, create comprehensive style guides and pattern libraries, and develop Design Systems while preserving their unique design identity. In my role, I focus on the ongoing maintenance and evolution of the design system, ensuring it remains aligned with the latest technological trends and system upgrades.
I help the team to create a collaborative work environment that encourages team members to contribute and share their work. This involves empowering team members and chapter leaders through training in the development of component libraries and the creation of effective documentation.

One of my passions is Accessibility
, even though I'm yet to be an expert on the field, I regularly conduct training sessions for team members and squads, with a strong emphasis on seamlessly integrating accessibility standards (WCAG) into their workflow.
My current project is pub+ Gaming and it's design system, at Endeavour X, an organisation overseeing a portfolio of brands that includes Dan Murphy's, BWS, Jimmy Brings, and ALH - pub+ app.

linkedin: Hong Y Nguyen
Need to find a real person? go to Hong Y. Love your attitude towards UI technicalities, and for just being your true self. You are very proactive and always keen to demonstrate your points of view and abilities with the team instead of just talking about them. You show and tell. You don't settle for mediocracy, and I highly value that... you help me learn more about our craft day in and day out! Thank you for being you.
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I've nominated Hong Y to recognise all the hard work she is putting in to get the BWS Mixer* in ship shape. Hong Y is a strong advocate for collaboration, for this we are #bettertogether. 
I've also nominated her for #walkthetalk because she practices what she preaches and #justbeyou because she has a great way of explaining why things are the way they are! Go Hong Y!

Hallan Moulin - UI Chapter Lead  / 
*BWS Mixer: Design System of BWS

Hong Y embraces her new home in pub+, and jumping straight into all the latest Figma updates! She is setting us up for success long term - creating the foundational elements of our new variables so we can start early testing on our light theme. It’s wonderful to have Hong Y in our space :)

Amanda - Designer

Our April Design Academy was in many ways a design therapy session with Trevor Hotten. The session started as many do - informative, with questions asked by Trevor and some awkward silences. Until Hong Y spoke up with honesty and vulnerability and the session took a rapid turn into a place that was so open, transparent, passionate and revealing for the entire practice.
Hong Y truly lived and breathed our values by just being her true self, and opened the door for everyone else to be brave, trust their instincts, ask the tough questions and share how they felt, and most importantly, welcome each other’s point of view. It was so amazing to witness and it truly showed that we don’t walk alone.
Thank you Hong Y for sharing, and encouraging others to do so too.

Sharyn Persijn - UI Chapter Lead

Hong Y is an amazing Figma wizard, who challenges herself to learn and implement latest features to supercharge UI components, collaborates with other designers and has an incredible technical understanding of components. Her level of consideration and thought she puts into the various applications and use cases for individual components boggles my mind.

She built amazing components for pub+ with the new variables they work like a treat. Makes everyone job's so much easier. Hong Y you are awesome !!!

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I wanted to take this time and call out Hong Y for providing generous help in finding my way through the various UI files, libraries and components when I started this role.

You are so passionate and I deeply enjoyed our talks about building components and all the help you provided. You made time several times to collaboratively tinker around in Figma and explain various things to me and provide crucial context.

Thanks !!! And hopefully one day we will meet in person 

Robby Ortloff - Designer

I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for your exceptional work and quick turnaround on the recent UI request for the KYC flow. Your ability to grasp the requirements swiftly and deliver such an impressive design, given the tight timeframe, is truly commendable. Again, thanks a lot for your outstanding work!

Joseph Palacios - Product Manager

Hong Y always striving for the best outcome for our customers. When it would be easy to let an easier option slide Hong Y always strives to put out work that is best practise.

Daniella Adamek - Delivery Lead

Hong Y has been so helpful and open to collaborate, discuss designs, share her knowledge and provide guidance which make you feel super comfortable and creates a lot of trust. She is very reliable and humble. Thanking you for collaboration even though she helped you.
She is authentic and super fun to work with and I want to show appreciation for her great personality and character.

Robby Ortloff - Designer

Hong Y has been instrumental in helping me transition over from sketch to Figma. Every time I have had a question or have been unsure of something she is like wonder woman swooping in and saving me from stress and confusion. Thank You Hong Y!

Karamia Galiere - Designer

Thank you Hong Y for working with your squad to raise awareness of Accessibility and designing for inclusivity, and then turning this into a learning session for anyone to attend. You were well prepared and I loved the visual references to create empathy with the audience about situational, temporary, permanent, visible and invisible disabilities. Your explanations were simple, informative and the demos were great. Thank you for influencing us to all do better to include minority users.

Sharyn Persijn - UI Chapter Lead
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